The legal studies concerning regulation are still mostly divided along the traditional line running between private and public law. The present essay, on the contrary, points out the benefits of keeping a unitary approach to regulation, which can usefully make use of both private and public law principles, but always finds its focal point in the problematic relationship it maintains with the ...
di Bruno Tonoletti
The article aims at analyzing the European Competition Network in the perspective of the procedural and judicial guarantees for the undertakings. It focuses on the implications of the ECN mechanisms of case allocation and decision for the companies affected by their operation. This problem is relevant because the different national Authorities (and the EU Commission) have to enforce a uniform ...
di Barbara Marchetti
It is widely shared, especially among Italian lawyers, the view that financial regulation interferes with contract law in order to correct asymmetric information. This article shows, instead, that financial regulation interferes with a large part of the contracts used in financial markets in order to govern third-party effects of those contracts. The article analyzes some of the contracts where ...
di Paolo Giudici
It is well known that the European Union energy policy has achieved great results, opening the energy markets to competition and promoting energy security and effective action against climate changes. New ambitious climate and energy targets have been introduced by the climate and energy package (the “20-20-20” strategy) and by the Roadmap 2050. The attainment of these ...
di Filippo Donati
In recent years, legislation and practice concerning services of general economic interest, at both national and european level, have shown a tendency towards the valorisation of indipendent regulation but also, at the same time, a new affirmation of the guidance and planning role pertaining to political and governmental institutions. Such developments, partially contradictory, call for a ...
di Eugenio Bruti Liberati
The proper functioning of the market depends surely on the presence of objective and non-distorting legal rules and on the presence of not conditionable authorities charged with their effective implementation. In the case of the energy market, however, the unfolding of a healthy competition also requires the availability of physical infrastructures adequate to truly meet all reasonable requests ...
di Nicola Bassi
The author holds that the evaluation of the legislative framework concerning water tariffs, under a legal perspective, should be carried out in compliance with the general economic principles, and points out how this criterion has often been neglected.
With specific reference to the current framework concerning water services in Italy, as shaped by the outcome of the referendum held in June ...
di Aldo Travi
“d.l. 6 luglio 2012, n. 95 (Disposizioni urgenti per la revisione della spesa pubblica con invarianza dei servizi ai cittadini nonché misure di rafforzamento
patrimoniale delle imprese del settore bancario)
Art. 4. Riduzione di spese, messa in liquidazione e privatizzazione di società pubbliche
1. Nei confronti delle società controllate direttamente o ...
di Francesco Goisis
amending Directive 2012/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 November 2012 establishing a single European railway area, as regards the opening of the market for domestic passenger transport services by rail and the governance of the railway infrastructure
Article 1
Directive 2012/34/EU is ...
di Davide Maresca
“Il presente regolamento attribuisce alla BCE compiti specifici in merito alle politiche in materia di vigilanza prudenziale degli enti creditizi, al fine di contribuire alla sicurezza e alla solidità degli enti creditizi e alla stabilità del sistema finanziario all’interno dell’Unione e di ciascuno Stato membro, con pieno riguardo e dovere di diligenza riguardo ...
di Andrea Pisaneschi
«Vanno dichiarate non fondate le questioni di legittimità costituzionale – promosse dalla Regione Veneto in riferimento all’articolo 118 della Costituzione e al principio di leale collaborazione – dell’articolo 36, comma 1, lettera a), del decreto-legge n. 1 del 2012, convertito, con modificazioni, dalla legge n. 27 del 2012, disposizione questa che, ...
di di Andrea Cardone
«Anche nei settori regolati, ai sensi dell’art. 19, comma 3, la competenza ad intervenire nei confronti delle condotte dei professionisti che integrano una pratica commerciale scorretta, fermo restando il rispetto della regolazione vigente, spetta, in via esclusiva, all’Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato, che la esercita in base ai poteri di cui al presente ...
di di Valeria Carfi